Monday, September 29, 2008

Skin Care | Eczema Treatment 2

Omigosh!!!! Help!! Help!! Think i spoke too soon yesterday, this morning, while bathing, i notice my chest area start to have peeling skin n getting slightly dry again!! Eczema! Eczema!
No wonder is itchy the whole night, i hope i didn’t scratch it when i was in dreamland.. = s

Today marked the 3rd day of medicine free, i can only hope and pray that the flareups won’t reoccur.. and the slightly dry flaky skin will go away soon... **shoo.. shoo**

In the mean time, i have to watch my diet very carefully...

I’ve notice that many people doesn’t know what Eczema is, except for those who suffer from them... so let me explain...

First thing first before i begin, i need to highlight, it is NOT CONTAGIOUS, though the appearance of the ugly rashes might mislead others into believing that it is some kind of skin disease...

Eczema aka Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic Dermatitis or eczema is an itchy, dry hypersensitive skin disorder affecting many people. It is common in children but can occur at any age. It is not infectious or contagious. The exact cause of atopic eczema is still unknown. It may be hereditary. The patient or some family members may have other hypersensitive conditions like asthma or hay fever. The rash may appear red, wet and weepy or dry, thickened and scaly. Scratching often aggravates the rash. The skin thickens and becomes darker. It is a chronic condition. It can affect any part of the body, particularly the elbow bends, back of the knees and the neck.
Sadly, currently, there is no cure for Eczema, it can only be control by medication and a change of lifestyle.

Helpful Skin Care Tips for Eczema flareups :
See your dermatologist. Try to relieve itching by eliminating these aggravating factors:
-Emotional upsets. (Try to think positive and maintain a happy mood.)
-Rapid changes of temperatures, strenuous exercise and hot weather.
-Rough, scratchy, tight & woolen clothings. Wear light, smooth, soft, non-binding clothing.
-Use mild detergents for your clothes and rinse the clothes thoroughly during washing.
-Do not increase the skin’s dryness by having long showers, bathe using luke warm water (not hot), Use mild soaps or ‘soap-free” soaps or try to use cleanser that are fragrance-free and non-comedogenic. Towel dry using gentle patting motion on your body, try not to rub or scratch.
- Apply emollient cream or moisturizer for sensitive dry skin immediately after bath,
- When the itching is severe, try to relieve it by dabbing or applying cloths soaked in iced water.
- Avoid shell type seafood and all types of nuts.
- take up some indoor hobbies, so it can be a source of distraction from the itchiness.

In the mean time, my quest and research for a healthier ME to fight Eczema goes on... ;p

If you have miss out on the 1st part of this post, here the link for your reading pleasure

Skin Care Eczema Treatment 1
Skin Care Eczema Treatment 2
Skin Care Eczema Treatment 3

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