Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Health Care | Healthy Snacks

Healthy Snacks for Good Health Building a Good Health Care Regime

Working in air-conditioned office makes me :

- Thirsty (i’m sitting next to the aircon, sometimes i feel i’m like a wet sponge whose water is slowly being sap up by the dry environment, so daily head to toe moisturizing is a must-do for me, it is very important to moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.. heed my advice and u will not regret when u grow older)

- Sleepy (due to boredom at never ending problem at work.. finally my bad luck year is almost over, Good Riddance!)

- Hungry (could be related to sleepy, or in a nicer way, i have speedy metabolism rate)..

Due to the above 3 factors, it is easy for us to munch and drink (1st cup of coffee) and munch and drink (2nd cup of coffee) while typing away at work..

I always like to munch on a pack of cookies when i’m hungry or when my mouth is feeling siap siap (tasteless) at work, and soon enough it start from occasional to a daily routine.. sometimes i wonder how nice it will be if exercise routine can also be so easily adopted.. hehehe..

Today i wake up feeling Berries in the Air, thus i made up my mind to at least munch on something healthier if really need to munch, so just now during lunch, i bought a pack of dried cranberry and apricot from the pushcart shop.

The cranberry was sweet and addictive, the taste of the apricot appears to be bland in comparison.. For Berries Lovers, you really got to try this!!
So, the next time before you reach for your favorite not-so-nutritious comfort food, remember that choosing snacks wisely can be good for your heart, digestive system, and energy level.

Below are a list of recommendation for some healthy snack to munch on when your mouth is feeling siap siap.. Snacks In the Office (SIO):

1) Apricots - Fresh, ripe apricots are high in fibre and low in calories. They are a good source of beta carotene, the plant form of vitamin A.

2) Apple - is the ideal healthy snack. They are also relatively low in calories and contain a high proportion of fructose, a simple sugar that is sweeter than table sugar (sucrose) and metabolized more slowly, helping to control blood sugar levels. Bioflavonoids in apples may protect against lung disease and be helpful to smokers.

3) Blue Berries - Good source of anthocyanosides and anti-oxidants. Have antibacterial properties

4) Cranberry & strawberries – Excellent source of anti-oxidant,

5) Nuts in general - Excellent source of vitamin E, Walnuts may help to reduce the risk of heart disease.

In my research, i’ve also came an interesting article on 10 Super Fruits that was publish in straits time on 14 Jul 2008 as follows:

1 Pomegranate aka Granada
What it is: Has around 600 seeds that can range from white to deep red.
Where it grows: Native to the Mediterranean Middle East
Supposed benefits: Some studies suggest that the juice may contain almost three times the total antioxidants in green tea and red wine.

2 Kiwi aka Chinese gooseberry
What it is: Flesh can be bright green or golden.
Where it grows: Can be grown in most temperate climates with adequate summer heat
Supposed benefits: A single kiwi is said to supply more than the normal daily adult requirement of vitamin C.

3 Mangosteen aka Manggis
What it is: Has sweet-sour white flesh
Where it grows: Primarily in countries with a hot, humid climate such as Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, and Indonesia
Supposed benefits: Its rind contains xanthones, which are said to neutralise free radicals.

4 Goji (pronounced goh-gee) aka Wolfberry
What it is: Red berries that are usually found dried
Where it grows: China, Mongolia and the Himalayas in Tibet
Supposed benefits: It contains carotenoids that act as antioxidants to protect the retina of the eye.

5 Cranberry aka Mossberry, fenberry
What it is: Berries, 6 to 18mm in size, turn deep red when ripe.
Where it grows: A major commercial crop in the United States and Canada
Supposed benefits: It is used to prevent or treat urinary tract infections.

6 Noni aka Cheese fruit, ach, mengkudu
What it is: Oval-shaped and prickly
Where it grows: Native to South-east Asia but now grows in India and the Pacific islands
Supposed benefits: The juice is said to be able to help reduce high blood pressure and relieve arthritic pain as it contains a high level of antioxidants.

7 Avocado aka Palta, abacate
What it is: Egg shaped, green-brown on the outside and green-yellow on the inside
Where it grows: Long history of being cultivated in Central and South America
Supposed benefits: It contains healthy monounsaturated fat, which has been linked to a reduced risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

8 Seabuckthorn aka Sandthorn, seaberry
What it is: Soft and juicy orange berries, 6 to 9mm in diameter
Where is grows: Native to Europe and Asia
Supposed benefits: It is said to boost the immune system as it is rich in vitamin C.

9 Blueberry aka Bleuet
What it is: Indigo berries, 5 to 16mm in diameter
Where it grows: Native to North America but also grown in Australia, New Zealand and South American countries
Supposed benefits: It is said to be an anti-ageing superstar that is loaded with antioxidants to improve vision and brain function.

10 Acai (pronounced as-sa-E) aka Cabbage palm berry
What it is: A dark-blue berry that is similar in size to a grape
Where it grows: South American rainforests
Supposed benefits: Claims to have twice the antioxidants found in blueberries, as well as omega fatty acids, protein and fibre.

Health Care Healthy Snacks

Monday, September 29, 2008

Skin Care | Eczema Treatment 2

Omigosh!!!! Help!! Help!! Think i spoke too soon yesterday, this morning, while bathing, i notice my chest area start to have peeling skin n getting slightly dry again!! Eczema! Eczema!
No wonder is itchy the whole night, i hope i didn’t scratch it when i was in dreamland.. = s

Today marked the 3rd day of medicine free, i can only hope and pray that the flareups won’t reoccur.. and the slightly dry flaky skin will go away soon... **shoo.. shoo**

In the mean time, i have to watch my diet very carefully...

I’ve notice that many people doesn’t know what Eczema is, except for those who suffer from them... so let me explain...

First thing first before i begin, i need to highlight, it is NOT CONTAGIOUS, though the appearance of the ugly rashes might mislead others into believing that it is some kind of skin disease...

Eczema aka Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic Dermatitis or eczema is an itchy, dry hypersensitive skin disorder affecting many people. It is common in children but can occur at any age. It is not infectious or contagious. The exact cause of atopic eczema is still unknown. It may be hereditary. The patient or some family members may have other hypersensitive conditions like asthma or hay fever. The rash may appear red, wet and weepy or dry, thickened and scaly. Scratching often aggravates the rash. The skin thickens and becomes darker. It is a chronic condition. It can affect any part of the body, particularly the elbow bends, back of the knees and the neck.
Sadly, currently, there is no cure for Eczema, it can only be control by medication and a change of lifestyle.

Helpful Skin Care Tips for Eczema flareups :
See your dermatologist. Try to relieve itching by eliminating these aggravating factors:
-Emotional upsets. (Try to think positive and maintain a happy mood.)
-Rapid changes of temperatures, strenuous exercise and hot weather.
-Rough, scratchy, tight & woolen clothings. Wear light, smooth, soft, non-binding clothing.
-Use mild detergents for your clothes and rinse the clothes thoroughly during washing.
-Do not increase the skin’s dryness by having long showers, bathe using luke warm water (not hot), Use mild soaps or ‘soap-free” soaps or try to use cleanser that are fragrance-free and non-comedogenic. Towel dry using gentle patting motion on your body, try not to rub or scratch.
- Apply emollient cream or moisturizer for sensitive dry skin immediately after bath,
- When the itching is severe, try to relieve it by dabbing or applying cloths soaked in iced water.
- Avoid shell type seafood and all types of nuts.
- take up some indoor hobbies, so it can be a source of distraction from the itchiness.

In the mean time, my quest and research for a healthier ME to fight Eczema goes on... ;p

If you have miss out on the 1st part of this post, here the link for your reading pleasure

Skin Care Eczema Treatment 1
Skin Care Eczema Treatment 2
Skin Care Eczema Treatment 3

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Skin Care | Eczema Treatment 1

I just learnt that the first thing we should do when we set up a blog is to self introduce and say a big "HELLOo" to the blogging world and welcome to Womens Health Beauty Care! On my first post, i would like to touch on women's skin care. It will be a interesting topic as it is based on my own experience on a skin problem that i have developed recently. So make yourself a cup of coffee and read on.

Another celebration to call for is, today is my 2nd day of being medicine free, and no flare ups! = )
I've been suffering from Eczema for the past 4months, it was the most down and traumatic period of my life..

The Eczema was all over my body and face. I always feel people are staring at me due to the ugly stinging red scaly marks on my face and body, and thoughts like "Is it contagious?", is running thru their mind..

During this period, i was very short temper, and negative, partly also because i suspect i might have paget's disease (a women's disease that can lead to breast cancer) as some of the symptoms are similar to what i was having... this has make me realise how important skin care really is.

After seeing countless GPs, i went to National Skin Centre (NSC) for consultation, and was assured that it was not paget and was under going steroid medication for 3 weeks, and there has been many changes to my lifestyle ever since..

I've even start to eat healthier, more veges n fruits daily for me.. (previously i only eat meat), i start to take note of what i put into my mouth.. reading the ingredients label and nutrients level on every packet has become a basic routine for me, as doctor has warned me not to take seafoods and nuts for the time being.

Sometimes i feel this Eczema could be a good thing, it could be God's way of tapping me on the shoulder to inform me that I'm not living a healthier enough life.. I've also feel grateful to have my family support and my bf is always there to encourage me, and remind me that I'm pretty, even though i know I'm not.. it makes me appreciate life even more now.. The only down side is, til now i still can't do my daily skincare routine, and no makeup for me for the time being til my next appointment at NSC.. Just have to keep my fingers cross and hope that my face will not be too dehydrated and develop wrinkles.. ;p

If you have Eczema before, feel free to reply my post, we can exchange experiences and remedies..
In the mean time, my research for ways to improve health and beauty goes on....

Skin Care Eczema Treatment 1
Skin Care Eczema Treatment 2

Skin Care Eczema Treatment 3