I came across an article about Spider Veins and Telangiectasia, which is a common problem among women.
I used to think that spider veins are caused only by prolong standing or tends to happens more to pregnant women, but it seems that there are more factors then i thought.
Spider Veins
They are small unsightly clusters of pink and purple thread like veins that lie near the surface of the skin. It is caused by blood pooling from excess pressure. They are commonly found in the leg but can also appear in the face and other parts of the body.
Causes of Spider Veins
* Heriditary , Some people are born with a weaker set of veins and this can be inherited in the family. These weak veins will enlarge to form spider veins when subjected to pressure.
* Pregnancy, Due to surging hormones, larger blood volume and pressure from an enlarging uterus all contribute to enlargement of leg veins. Usually within three months after pregnancy these veins will start to dissappear.
* Prolonged standing and sitting exert pressure on the leg veins as gravitational forces encourage blood to stay in the leg.
* Tight clothing can cause constriction around the waist and leg and impede blood circulation. High heel shoes restrict calf muscle function and circulation.
They are mainly found on the nose and cheeks, these vessels can be reddish if they are short and close to the surface or bluish for the deeper ones. These facial "broken" capillaries are the result of damage to the vessel walls caused by sun exposure, excessive heat and chronic inflammation such as rosacea. Genes are play a part.
How to prevent it
* Alcohol may weaken the capillaries, so drink less.
* Lack of Vitamins C & E cause capillaries to deteriorate.
Make sure your diet includes lots of bio-flavonoids found in brightly coloured fruits and vegetables like citrus peels, peppers, blackcurrant and cherries. Bio-flavonoids work with vitamin C to protect and preserve capillaries.
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