Thursday, October 23, 2008

Beauty Care | Twinkle Wrinkles

Twinkle Wrinkles little lines...Learn to beat those lines of wisdom with good Beauty Care.

I had such difficulty typing this entry now, cause I fell down while alighting the bus yesterday...

My whole body is aching like hell now, lots of blue black and when I type, I can’t even rest my elbow and palm (the wounds are all over) on the table and use the mouse properly. But still, I’m feeling lucky, coz it might have been more serious, with my head or chin hitting the curb... then you won’t even see this entry... hahaha... ;p

Life is a Gift, Is great to be Alive!!!

Ok, now let’s get to the topic of today! One of the greatest enemies of woman is ----- "Wrinkles"!!

Why do Wrinkles form?
Ageing is the most obvious cause of wrinkles. As we get older, our cells take longer to regenerate and so our dermis (the inner skin) starts to become thinner. With age, we also produce less collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, natural substances that give our skin the structure, stretch, volume and bounce it needs to remain youthful. But that's not all. The skin's ability to hold moisture diminishes. The skin becomes dry and scaly, loses its elasticity, sags and forms furrows and wrinkles.

How are Wrinkles forms?
Persistent small muscle contractions, which happen when our faces form expressions, cause wrinkles and expression lines to form. Of course, the older we get, the more deeply ingrained in our skin these lines are. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun (photoageing) is also a big cause of premature ageing! Cigarette smoke and pollution also hasten the ageing process by producing free radicals which attack the skin. Rapid weight loss is also a cause of wrinkles as the volume of fat cells that cushion the face is drastically reduced. This causes the skin to sag.

Wrinkle Prevention
- Researchers have found that many dietary factors can play a role in aging of the skin. It is highly recommended that you include antioxidants in your diet, such as vitamin C, A, D, E, and beta carotene.
- It is advisable to use sunscreen creams with SPF 15 or higher when you are out in the sun.
- Drink 2 litres of water a day; this water intake is also helpful in eliminating toxins through urine, rather than through skin pores.
- Do not smoke and moderate your alcohol intake
- Avoid stress and learn to relax- Eat a healthy diet

Beauty Care: Twinkle Wrinkles

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